Learn How to Stop Finger Sucking
Is your thumbsucker finally ready to stop thumb sucking? Did your pediatrician warn you about the consequences if the habit of sucking thumb continues? Is your child teased at school? Do you want to avoid spending up to $5,000 for braces from orothodontics, or having your child develop a speech problem or deformed palette? But at the same time do you not have enough time to address this problem, and are you hoping it just stops on its own? You are not alone!
This is why it is reasonable to spend up to $100 for a device that was thoughtfully and specifically designed to help your child stop thumb sucking, improve probability of success, and minimizing your time spent.
Keep in mind that thumbsucking is a nighttime habit first, and a daytime habit second. If they are able to suck thumb at night they will never achieve success. Also, most kids suck just one thumb, but when restricted they may suck the other one instead – about 25% of the kids will switch and these kids will need a device for each limb. Lastly, and MOST IMPORTANTLY, your child must be willing and you need to make sure they are motivated from start to finish. Yes, bribes of extra ice cream for incremental success is recommended, and definitely a grand prize for quitting. You don’t need to spend much, a $10-$15 prize is usually all that is needed to motivate even an eight year old.
This website has collected and reviewed the best products to stop finger sucking, and scored them and collected user feedback to help you make a quick decision. At the top are Nipit and other types of thumb guards for toddlers. Take a moment to read this page, then another few minutes reviewing the products that are out there. In less than 10 minutes you and your child will be on your way to breaking the most difficult habit of child development.
The Thumb Sucking Appliance Alternative
There is another option, which is the finger sucking appliance. The appliance should be a last resort and is primarily used by parents who cannot take the time to work with their child or have a very difficult child. The appliance is expensive and costs hundreds of dollars at minimum, and can be more than $1,000. The appliance is a shaped wire that is installed into their upper teeth and physically pokes the thumb so they won’t do it anymore. The appliance for thumb suckers is a last resort