Thumb Sucking Effects on Social Interaction of a Seven-Year-Old Child

by Jane Sarrow

Human beings often have peculiar habits they portray under different circumstances. One such habit is thumb sucking among children. Most children practice thumb sucking when they are anxious, hungry, bored, or stressed, as a means of self- solace. Did you know that some kids start it as early as when they are still in the…

Easy Ways To Stop Thumb Sucking

by Jane Sarrow

If your kid is sucking his thumb at the age of three, it is time you started thinking how you can assist him to drop the habit. This is because his permanent teeth will erupt in just a two or three years and you don’t want to see him with misaligned teeth or other negative…

Nipit versus Tguard for Finger Sucking

by Jane Sarrow

Parents often feel like they have failed in assisting their thumb sucking kids to quit the habit. It is easy to get confused by the many devices available unless one does a thorough research. This article will assist in appraising Nipit versus TGuard – their performance and comparison. How Do The Devices Work? The main…

The Worst Thumbsucker Ever

by Jane Sarrow

Thumb sucking is often seen as a childhood habit which most children outgrow at a tender age. The worst thumbsucker ever, is an adult who knows he has the habit, appreciates it is not cool but does not care anyway. He can do it in all the wrong places: in the bathroom, on the sofa…

When is the right time to quit thumb sucking?

by Jane Sarrow

Breaking the thumb or finger sucking habit is different with each child depending on motivation and age.  There is no reason why you have to jump into stopping the habit immediately if your child is 3 or 4 and under.  Although dentists agree the age to quit thumb sucking is as soon as possible and…