Barielle No Bit Pro Growth nail polish is like many brands of anti-nail biting polish, it is middle of the road in performance, cost and value. Barielle bitter nail treatment has been on the market for several years and has mostly good but also some negative reviews. The strength of its bitterness is about average.
Anti-Nail Biting Polish DOES NOT WORK for thumb suckers at night. It is designed for daytime nail biters. Obviously won’t work while your child is sleeping and their taste buds are turned off. Children under three years old don’t dislike the taste because they haven’t yet developed taste buds to dislike it yet. Nail polish was developed for nails, not thumbs.
Third “bitter nail polish” I’ve tried, it is stronger than some and about the same as Mavala Stop but you get more so I thin k this is barielle is abetter deal.