Cheap Tools & Products for a Nail Biting Treatment

If you or a loved one can’t seem to break the nail biting habit, you’re not alone.  Chronic nail biting is a challenge for almost 30% of Americans, and it can be an ongoing problem with negative effects on your health. Not only is this habit unsightly, but it may also conjure up health complications such as the spread of germs or even gum disease.  Even if you have tried everything to reform your nail biting behavior to no avail – don’t lose hope. 

Today, there are effective products to stop biting nails on the market that can help you finally be free of the habit. Furthermore, taking a multi-faceted approach to conquering the nail biting habit has proven to yield the best results. For example, using strong bitter nail polish, plus smoothing out short, rough nail edges and cuticles, and then using an easy motivational program are proven to break nail biting with the quickest and best results. In fact, studies show that positive reinforcement shortens the duration of breaking habits up to 200%. 


It is important to use the right tools so you don’t worsen the problem, and also keep motivated. Fortunately, tools and products designed to help wean you off nail biting do not have to cost a fortune. Read on for the best nail biting treatment and cheap products you must have as well as how to use them.

  Nail Biting Polish

The most effective tool for stopping nail biting is one that instantly reminds you not to put your fingers in the mouth, so the stronger the nail biting treatment, the better.  A nail biting polish has bitter agents that taste foul, thus dissuading nail biters from putting fingers near the mouth.  Keep in mind, some young kids may grow accustomed to the bitter flavor of some nail biting polishes, so go for maximum strength.

Also, be careful of untrusted brands made outside of the USA. Some nail biting polish products made overseas often do not disclose all of the ingredients. This is a hazard, as some chemicals can be harmful to you or your child’s health, so be sure you stick with a trusted brand. It’s essential you select a nail biting treatment for toddlers or adults that is the strongest on the market, and has been tested for safety and lists ingredients clearly.

Nail File

Part of a comprehensive plan to break the nail biting habit is to tend to nails properly. This means keeping nails well-groomed by smoothing out rough edges. This impedes the temptation to pick and ultimately bite the nail.  Use a specially designed nail file that has a smooth texture that is gentle on chewed nails that are soft and tender.  File the nails short, and keep them short while using a strong bitter nail polish. 

Remember that compulsive nail biting treatment takes commitment and consistency. Therefore, it’s important to keep the nails filed down short and well-groomed for at least two weeks after the biting has stopped. When the white tips of the nails have returned, you may ease up on the nail filing, but long-term maintenance is key to avoid a relapse in nail biting.

Hangnail Trimmer

When you’re trying to quit nail biting, it’s essential to trim away loose pieces of skin on the sides of the nails.  A quality hangnail trimmer is a cheap product you must have in your arsenal because it removes dangling skin and ragged edges around the nail, thus lessening the temptation to chew.

Be sure to use a sharp tool so that jagged edges and hangnails are cleanly removed. Also, make sure not to cut or remove healthy cuticles because these are important for healthy nail growth. 

  Motivation & Rewards

Perhaps one of the most powerful products to help you stop biting your nails is a way to track your progress and keep you motivated. A calendar or small journal can help you keep track of daily progress.  These are visual reminders of the advancements you or your child has made in the battle to stop nail biting.

Also, plan small rewards or treats once you’ve achieved certain milestones. In the beginning, you may want to award yourself or your child with something special after a full day has passed without biting. Plan a bigger or slightly more indulgent reward after a successful full chew-free week. 

In addition to a reward system, show friends and family your tracker diary or calendar. Let them see the advancements you’ve made, and show them how your nails are healing so nicely.  All these actions add up to keeping you or your child motivated and on track to break the nail biting habit once and for all.

The Honest10 3-in-1 Kit

The best nail biting treatment for kids and adults is one that provides all of the aforementioned tools for your best success. The Honest10 3-in-1 Kit is just such a powerhouse in your plight to combat nail biting.  This nail biting treatment checks all the boxes for you or your child’s needs.  It includes all the necessary tools to treat nail biting such as a nail file, hangnail trimmer, and a motivational progress chart.

Most importantly, Honest 10 3-in-1 Kit includes a stronger nail biting treatment for adults and children than most products on the market today. All the ingredients are clearly stated on the polish bottle, and it is made in the USA.  Furthermore, Honest 10 is safety tested and is pediatrician approved, so you can have peace of mind when using it on yourself or your young one. With proven results and all the tools you need to be included, Honest 10 is clearly the highest overall value when you want all the best resources in a chronic nail biting treatment.

Getting the Most Out of Your Anti-Nail Biting Regime

When it comes to a nail biting treatment that results in finally ridding yourself or your child from nail biting, a full-spectrum approach is crucial.  The best product to stop nail biting is one that includes all of the tools and resources so you can reach your goals and stay chew-free long into the future.

While the nail biting tools mentioned here aren’t necessarily expensive, the cost can add up. That’s why an all-in-one kit such as Honest 10 is a smart choice. It includes everything you need, whereas buying items independently on Amazon may double or triple the cost of your self-care treatment.

With the right products, a positive attitude, and a dedicated effort over the initial course of 2-3 weeks you can see yourself successfully stopping the nail biting habit for good.